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As the statewide advocate for Rhode Island's historic places, our goals include to...

What We Do

People often ask us what we do as preservation advocates...

At Preserve RI we aim to find productive uses for old buildings​ and demonstrate best stewardship practices at the historic buildings​ under our care. We also offer guidance and support to local groups defending threatened places​​ through our Community Preservation Response program, identify and find solutions for common preservation challenges, and advocate for legislation, including historic tax credits, that revitalizes historic buildings and strengthens the economy.

Keep in touch! Learn more about Preserve RI's work and keep up-to-date with announcements and events.

Featured Programs and Events

Historic Tax Credits

Help save RI's Historic Tax Credit Program, a vital economic and community revitalization tool that is a proven generator of housing.

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Learn about our 1772 Grant Program and see past grant recipients.

1772 Grants


Come and take a tour of Lippitt House Museum, Providence's premier Victorian House Museum.

Museum Tours

We could not do our work without your support. Almost 60% of funding for Preserve RI's preservation programs comes from gifts like yours.

We could not do our work without your support. 65% of Preserve RI's revenue comes from gifts like yours.

Get Involved

Get help from Preserve RI staff for your preservation needs.

Get Preservation Help

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Preserve RI compiles resources for preservationists, local advocates, and concerned/curious citizens through our toolkit.

Access Resources

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Become a member and add your voice to those concerned about preservation across Rhode Island!

Become a Member

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Latest News and Blog

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