External Links for General Research Reference
Rhode Island Resources
Preservation Easement Program (Historic New England)
Historic Barn Resources (RIHPHC)
The Nature Conservancy/Rhode Island Chapter
Rhode Island Historical Society
Rhode Island Historical Preservation and Heritage Commission (SHPO)
Society of Architectural Historians/New England Chapter
State Historic Tax Credit (Grow Smart RI)
Tax Credits & Loans: State Historic Tax Credits | Rebuild RI
National Alliance of Preservation Commissions
National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers
Archaeological Institute of America
Archeology (US Dept of the Interior)
Public Archeology in the United States: A Timeline (NPS)
Society for American Archaeology
Architectural History and Building Technology
Association for Preservation Technology International (APTI)
Building Technology Heritage Library
Field Guide to American Houses
Guide to Researching the History of a House
Historic Resources Committee (AIA)
Researching a Historic Property (NPS)
Building Trades
Climate Change
Cultural Resources Adaptation (NPS)
Cultural Resources Climate Change Strategy (NPS)
Flood Adaptation (NPS Technical Preservation Services)
Flood Mitigation Decision Guide (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
National Landmarks at Risk (Union of Concerned Scientists)
Preservation and Climate Change
Resilient Heritage: Protecting Your Historic Home from National Disasters (NCPTT)
Conservation and Collections
American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC)
Connecting to Collections Care
Conservation Online: Resources for Conservation Professionals
Conservation Easement: A Property Rights Based Tool for Resource Protection
Funding Easement Stewardship (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
National Conservation Easement Database
Preservation Easement Program (Historic New England)
Preservation Easements (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
Tracking Changes in Easement Property Ownership (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
Federal Government Resources
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP)
Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS)
Historic American Engineering Record (HAER)
Historic American Landscapes Survey (HALS)
National Historic Landmark Program (NHL)
National Association of Tribal Historic Preservation Officers
National Park Service and Preservation
National Register of Historic Places (NRHP)
Technical Preservation Services (NPS)
Preservation Briefs (NPS Technical Preservation Services)
Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties (NPS)
Heritage Travel
Heritage Tourism: Create a Personalized Travel Experience
Historic Districts, Commissions, and Local Ordinances
Law and the Historic Preservation Commission: What Every Member Needs to Know
Local Preservation: Local Historic District Zoning (RIHPHC)
Planning and Implementing a Local Historic District
Preservation Ordinance FAQ (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
Ten Benefits of Local Historic Districts (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
Ten Steps to Establish a Local Historic District (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
Historic Preservation Law
Guide to Federal Historic Preservation Laws (NPS)
National Environmental Policy Act
Land Conservation
Alliance for Historic Landscape Preservation
Cultural Landscape Foundation (CLF)
Library of American Landscape History
Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation (NPS)
Protecting Cultural Landscapes (NPS Preservation Brief 36)
Preserving Building
A Landlord's Guide to Researching Property History
Caring for Old Houses (Smithsonian Institution)
Caring for Your Historic House
Get Your House Right: Architectural Elements to Use & Avoid
How to Preserve Historic Properties (NPS Technical Preservation Services)
Maintaining the Exterior of Small & Medium Size Historic Buildings (NPS Preservation Brief 47)
Making the Save: Resources for Owners (Preservation Utah)
Operations and Maintenance for Historic Structures
Passing and Preserving Family Land Using Conservation Easements
Preservation Briefs (NPS Technical Preservation Services)
Restoring vs. Rehabilitating Your Historic House (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
Your Old or Historic Home: Tips for Homeowners (Historic New England)
Recent Past
Conserving Modern Architecture Initiative (Getty)
Conserving Twentieth-Century Built Heritage: A Bibliography (Getty)
Properties That Have Achieved Significance in the Past 50 Years (NPS)
Resource Types
Historic Artists’ Homes and Studios (HAHS)
Cemeteries and Burial Places (NPS)
Historic Aviation Properties (NPS)
Lighthouses and Other Aids to Navigation (NPS)
Section 106
Demystifying The Section 106 Process: A Primer For Clients & Practitioners
Protecting Historic Properties: Working with Section 106 (ACHP)
Section 106: National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (GSA)
Selling Historic Properties
Historic Properties for Sale (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
Historic Properties: Your Source for Buying and Selling Historic Properties
Community Livability and Smart Growth (ACHP)
Energy Conservation Weatherization (ACHP)
Preservation and Sustainability (National Trust)
Sustainability (NPS Technical Preservation Services)
Sustainable Historic Preservation
World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate (Union of Concerned Scientists)
Tax Credits
Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit (Historic Tax Credit) (NCSHPO)
Historic Tax Credits (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
Rehabilitation Tax Credit/Real Estate Tax Tips (IRS)
Tax Aspects of the Historic Preservation Tax Incentives/FAQs (IRS)