Welcome to Lippitt House Museum’s blog! We hope you visit this page often for behind-the-scenes looks at our programming, curatorial, and restoration efforts, as well as meditations on the topics we’re thinking about as a historic house museum in the 21st century. Our blog title derives from the history of manufacturing that is so essential to the Lippitt family story and to Providence in general. The Lippitt family made their fortune through production in their textile mills. It is this fortune that allowed them to build 199 Hope Street in the highest Victorian style. In this blog as in our tours, we will explore not only the lives of the Lippitts but also those of the people – largely recent immigrants – who operated their spindle-filled mills and cared for the silver and other objects that filled the Lippitt home. These stories help to elucidate the social, political, and economic history of our city and country.