To me, one of the many exciting things about working in a house museum is that you never know what kind of treasures you might find. Recently, I stumbled upon an old document and discovered it was a typed copy of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. The font was a bit faded so I decided to transcribe it. As I read through, I realized this wasn’t any old version of ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas—it was Lippitt themed! In the spirit of Dickens’ Christmas ghosts, this poem details Henry Lippitt coming to life from his portrait in the main hall and going upstairs to check in on his family during Christmas in 1959.

Here’s the full transcription of the poem:
Twas the night before Christmas and
all through the house
Every creature was stirring
including a mouse
When old Grandfather Lippitt
got down from his frame
And mounting the stairs,
to the Third Floor he came
He started up there to allay
his worst fears
To see what had happened
in the last 70 years
Free and Dunc were not nestled
all snug in their beds
But, who the dickens they were
never entered his head.
The old place seemed changed
from the house as of yore,
With a flock of new faces
on e-ver-y floor.
Izzy, he met and asked who
she might be.
“Only your great granddaughter,
Governor,” said she.
On the next floor he thought
he would try his own bed,
But- “Nothing doing in there.”
Grandfather Doolittle, said.
And then in Aunt Jennie’s room
whom did he see
“Why, Grandpa, don’t you remember-
it’s only me.”
In the Pink Room he found
a Doolittle, Pesta.
A queer name in R. I.
Is a Lippitt an Esta?
Then just for the fun
he stayed around until noon,
To see what went on in the
old Dining Room
Dunc had arrived, with his
bevy he came,
As he whistled & shouted,
he called them by name.
“Now Pets & Harriet, now Abby
and Will
On Elisha & Nicoll—
Please all keep still”
Aunt Lucy and Freddie
came with Mary-Ann
Aunt Bunt, Hunt and Skip
with the Ladies Mauran.
The Chafees en masse,
with Alex of course,
Uncle George & Aunt Fran
and all Off-spring in force.
Betty, Alice, and the Brooks
to increase the confusion,
Lois and guests- a brand new
“It’s too much for me.”
We heard Grandfather say
“I’ll go back where I came
And call it a day.
But ere I depart and get
back in my frame,
Merry Christmas to all,
And I’m so glad I came.”
This exciting remnant of Lippitt Christmas will be out to see during our Christmas at Lippitt House celebration on December 16th. If you join us that day, you can also meet a new member of the museum team--our hound friend! This adorable hound is based on a carved wooden hound in the Dining Room.
This friendly hound will be a mascot and serve as a symbol for all our kid-friendly events, activities, and tours. But we need your help naming our hound friend. Submit your name suggestions to use via social media before December 16th or share your ideas while you're visiting the house. If we choose your name for the hound, you will win a free tour of Lippitt House with the Museum Director. We can't wait to hear what names you come up with!