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Stone Wall Restoration Continues at Several Sites across Aquidneck Island

stone wall along a tree-filled park with green grass.
Completed stone wall at Miantanomi Park.

Visiting Aquidneck Island this summer? Look for our work restoring several stretches of historic stone walls in conjunction with the Scenic Aquidneck Coalition. These years-old walls, such as the one pictured above at Miantonomi Park in Newport’s North End, are not just structures, but a part of our shared history. 


To mark one of the historic park's entrances, we completely disassembled and reassembled the section along Gerald Ave. This not only preserved a piece of our heritage but improved an important green space for this densely populated Newport neighborhood.


Meanwhile, at Glen Farm in Portsmouth, we are completing another section of dry-stone wall repair. This work will add to the 900 feet that our volunteer program completed from 2020-2023. 

This fall, we will complete the entry section at the Norman Bird Sanctuary, marking the end of a long stretch of transformed landscape along 3rd Beach Road. All this work is a testament to the power of community action and its potential for positive change. 


These projects would not be possible without the support of various community stakeholders, including our partners at the Preservation Society of Newport County, the Town of Portsmouth, the City of Newport, and the Norman Bird Sanctuary; and funding from the van Buren Charitable Foundation and Scenic Aquidneck.


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